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5785/2024 High Holy Days Appeal
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5785/2024 High Holy Day Appeal in support of TSTI Strong Levels of Giving
Honorary Chair $100,000 and above
Sustainer $50,000-$99,999
Chai Leader $18,000 to $49999
Guardian $10,000-$17,999
Benefactor $5,000-$9,999
Chai $1,800 -$4,999
Sponsor $500-$1,799
Friend $180-$499
Donor - up to $179
I/We would like to make a gift in the amount of
How would you like your name listed on the acknowledgement?
Payment preference
List my gift as anonymous
Please let me know how to contribute stock
Please Note: There is a 3% service charge when you use a credit card to make a donation. If you decide to, you can use a debit card or a check at no additional charge.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785